Articles by Tim Lawless

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Tim heads up the Core Logic RP Data research and analytics team, analysing real estate markets, demographics and economic trends across Australia. Visit

Owner occupiers have been the primary driver of the housing market rebound, comprising 76% of all new home loans over the twelve months to March 2021 compared with the decade average where owner occupiers have comprised a smaller 65% of demand; but the mix of housing activity is starting to change as investors become more…

According to the CoreLogic Home Value Index results for May, Australian dwelling values posted their first month-on-month decline since June last year. The national index was down 0.4% over the month, with five of the eight capital city regions recording a fall in values. The reduction in values through May comes as transaction activity in…

What has Coronavirus affected our finance markets? Prior to the onset of COVID-19, housing finance conditions were becoming more accommodative for potential buyers. This was enabled through: The repeal of temporary macro-prudential measures; The halving of the cash rate between June and October 2019; and, Declines in the typical mortgage serviceability assessment rate from 7.3%…

What’s going on in our property market in these uncertain times? How has COVID 19 affected us? That’s clearly important to know because the performance of the property market directly and indirectly impacts the livelihood and success of hundreds of thousands of Australian individuals and businesses. Property remains the largest asset class in Australia by…

2019 will go down as the year when new records were set. For 2020, we’re likely to see markets in recovery mode as housing prices catch up and then overtake their previous record highs, however we expect the rapid rate of capital gains seen over the second half of 2019 to lose steam as stock…

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