Articles by Tim Lawless

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Tim heads up the Core Logic RP Data research and analytics team, analysing real estate markets, demographics and economic trends across Australia. Visit

The downturn that has been long-running across the Perth housing market seems to have caught a second wind, with values down 2% over the past three months to be 3.3% lower over the year. CoreLogic has released their newest housing market update for November 2018. The weakening conditions are concentrated across at the more affordable end…

Dwelling values continued to fall across Sydney, Melbourne and Perth in October, pushing the CoreLogic national hedonic home value index further into negative territory. Citing tighter credit conditions as a contributor to slower housing activity and lower dwelling values across Australia, CoreLogic head of research. The latest results take the annual decline across the national…

The CoreLogic September home value index results released today reported that half of Australia’s capital cities saw values track lower over the past twelve months. The remaining capital cities, as well as regional markets, have recorded a slowdown in the annual pace of growth as the housing downturn becomes more broadly based.  The Australian housing…

CoreLogic’s recently released Pain and Gain report highlighted a growing divergence between houses and units for loss making resales.  Unit markets recorded a higher proportion of loss making resales relative to houses across every broad region of Australia over the June quarter. The latest CoreLogic Pain and Gain report provides a summary of gross profit and loss…

Overall, it’s hard to see a scenario where Australian housing values could fall off a cliff. For this to happen we would need to see a material about face in labour market conditions, a global shock or a material rise in interest rates – none of which seems to be a likely outcome at the…

Anyone directly or indirectly associated with housing finance has likely felt the pinch of heightened regulation and tighter credit policies.  Mortgage brokers and lenders are the first industry participants that come to mind, however the slowdown in lending activity has broader implications for a wide range of peripheral industries and revenue streams.    Less lending implies…

In June 2018, the dwelling price to income ratio across the combined capital cities was recorded at 7.2 times, the lowest reading since March 2017. The improved affordability position is the result of lower housing prices against a subtle rise in household incomes. For houses the ratio was 7.8 times, down slightly from the 7.9…

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