The goal for most investors is to accumulate enough wealth so their investment assets generate sufficient passive income to meet living expenses. If this happens, it is no longer necessary for you to work for an income and you then have complete discretion over what you do with your time. Wouldn’t that be wonderful! However,…
There are a number of factors that I consider when contemplating an investment on behalf of my clients or for me, personally. I think it’s very important to consider a vast array of investment opportunities (or appoint an advisor to do it on your behalf). But it is even more important to discount most of…
CoreLogic reported that the total value of Australian property stands at an impressive $11 trillion, surpassing the combined worth of all listed companies on the Australian Stock Exchange by more than five times. Despite this staggering figure, financial advisors have typically concentrated their efforts on shares, bonds and superannuation, often treating property as an afterthought….
When an investor first borrows to buy an investment property, almost always the rental income does not cover the associated expenses, including loan repayments. This means the investor will need to cover any shortfall out of their pocket each month. While you can claim a tax deduction for this shortfall (known as negative gearing), it…
It’s always fascinating to explore how property prices might move over the coming year. While short-term price fluctuations aren’t particularly relevant for long-term investors, this kind of analysis can be incredibly useful for those planning to sell or buy property in 2025. Last week, I joined James Kirby on The Australian’s finance podcast to dive into this…
It’s very common for parents to worry about whether their children will be able to afford to buy into the property market, and we get asked about this regularly. There are several complexities involved: some financial, and some more related to parenting choices. I’d like to share an idea that could work well for both…
Some buyers’ agents promote investing in more affordable locations (i.e. outer suburbs). I can understand why some investors might be attracted to follow their advice. But it’s not until you delve into the theory and evidence that it becomes blatantly obvious that such investments have a high probability of underperforming. Here’s an example I saw…
I believe most people spend too much of their lives trying to reduce perceived financial risk. The opportunity cost of this approach is very high and puts lifestyle goals at risk. Too much focus on risk reduction Many people buy a home and then focus on repaying debt. They then upgrade their home and once…
There’s an endless stream of news articles discussing the economic factors that influence property prices: interest rates, unemployment, the supply of new homes, rezoning, and population growth – just to name a few. Having followed the property market closely for more than two decades, I have two observations to share. First, I’d love to have…
If you are contemplating investing in property, should you buy now or wait? What if prices fall? Maybe you would be better off waiting? As my analysis below reveals, buying for less than market value or at the bottom of the market (i.e. buying well), has very little impact. The price we pay for a property…