I was talking recently with a client’s General Manager about the skill sets which that company’s middle management possessed. The General Manager was unhappy with some of the performance of his managers and was at the point where he felt some wholesale changes were needed. This led me to start questioning the extent to which…
I want to discuss customer service. There are lots of courses and information available out there talking about the importance of customer service standards, key performance indicators (KPIs) in customer service delivery and world’s best practise with customer service. Each of these courses and theories has something positive to offer on the issue of customer…
I was talking with an old client recently about things he was not doing in his business. He was saying that sales had dropped off substantially and he thought it was largely because he was not spending enough time “in the trenches” with the sales team. “Every time I stop working on the sales floor…
This tool will enable teams to build a shared understanding of their common purpose, as well as to generate a clear image of the future success they strive to achieve. Visioning is an important process in order to give all involved focus. Creating an effective vision becomes the means through which change can be implemented…
What’s standing between you and business or professional success? It may be you! Maybe you’re too biased to be a successful business owner? What do I mean by that? Well…did you know that as business owners we can sometimes be our own worst enemy? It’s not because of the decisions we make, the opportunities we consider or the…
I think we can all agree it’s been a gruelling past 12 months in corporate Australia. The Hayne Royal Commission has uncovered a number of instances of corporate misconduct, and trust in our banks is at an all-time low. That’s a shame because there are some very talented and hard-working people throughout corporate Australia. But…
More and more people will work for themselves in the future and I consider this to be a very good thing. Very few people get rich working for other people, you see, and building your own company or business is a great way to set yourself up in life. It’s hard to get ahead when…
It can be tempting when you run your own business or are working hard to get ahead to say yes to every opportunity. You fear that turning something down will mean you won’t achieve your long-term goal, and as the old Australian saying goes: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush….
Want to be a great leader? Today’s infographic from Colonial Life, and it shows 11 ineffective leadership styles that can have negative impacts on your business’s productivity or culture. However, good leaders know that they are not perfect, so check out the infographic and avoid these 11 leadership styles: 1. Micro Managing Helping employees is…
Ever heard that saying that everyone has a novel in them? Well, I reckon there’s also a Big Business Idea in most people and it just takes some people a bit more time to get around to it. The older you get, naturally, the more experienced you become, and this gives you great insight into…