Articles by Louise Bedford

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Louise Bedford is a full-time private trader and author of several best-selling books. To pick up her ‘Trading Made Simple’ 5-part e-course, register on her website and she’ll send it to you straight away -

I have very little time for pseudo-scientific notions such as the Efficient Market Hypothesis. This one, in particular, is rubbish since it is grounded in a massively flawed assumption – that people are rational. Anyone who believes that Homo Investorus is rational clearly has a brain injury that requires some form of treatment such as…

Have you ever wondered what sets professionals, in any walk of life, apart from the mediocre masses? A key factor is self-belief. But if you weren’t lucky enough to be born with a high belief in your own abilities, there are still ways that you can cultivate this enviable quality. Affirmations can help you towards…

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