One of the main things that property investment naysayers get wrong is that landlords just want to someone to pay the most rent. That is not true at all. The smartest property investors want to attract – and keep – good tenants for the long-term. That’s because they understand that having a long-time tenant will…
Can you guess how many pets there are in Australia? Well, there are actually more pets than people! According to the RSPCA, there are more 25 million pets in our country. But here’s the thing: it’s estimated that more than half of rental properties have a no pets policy. So what do these statistics mean?…
While our property markets have boomed over the last few months with the the strongest rebound in property values for decades, the rental property market has been more subdued. Rental property website has released its report for December 2019 and here are the highlights: The cost of renting a room in a house rose…
Some good new for Melbourne property investors. Not only are property prices surging, but rental prices continue to grow in Victoria following another month of low vacancy rates. The monthly rental data from the REIV shows median rental house prices have shot up across Melbourne by $10, with units climbing also by $10 since October…
It wasn’t so long ago that most landlords automatically said no when it came to allowing pets in their properties – but times they are a changing! Part of the reason for that, thankfully, is common sense given that the majority of Aussies have a pet, which means most tenants have a furry friend of…
Want to know what’s happened to the rental property markets over the last month? Rental property website has released its report for October 2019, based on property leasing data. The report illustrates the shift in Australian median rental property prices (both metro and regional), rental affordability (the median room price metric) and days on market….
At a time when more and more people are saying property is expensive in Australia, rental affordability is better than ever. According to research from the Real Estate Institute of Australia, rental affordability improved during the June 2019 quarter to the lowest proportion of income required to meet rent payments since June 2008 . REIA…
A recent court case may mean flat owners will have to pay for older buildings to become compliant with the current disability legislation. Let me explain further… Last year saw a ruling by the Supreme Court that blocks of flats now have to comply with standards set out by the Victorian Equal Opportunity and…
It’s the old story of supply and demand. The recent building boom across Australian capital cities is helping to keep a lid on rent increases despite strong population growth according to Domain’s rental report. In particular, Sydney has experienced the biggest percentage fall in rents in more than 15 years in the wake of the…
It’s been a tough couple of years for Melbourne property investors. Not only have property values fallen but rent prices for Melbourne houses have dropped for the first time in seven years, according to Domain’s Rental Report for the June quarter. But as always the markets have been fragmented and rentals have fallen more in Melbourne’s…