Capital gains tax (CGT) is the tax you pay on profits from selling assets, such as property. You essentially make a capital gain when the difference between the cost of purchasing your property (or another asset) and what you gained from selling it is greater than zero – in other words, you made a profit….
The interest rate hiking cycle might have peaked, but it’ll be some time until rates drop, borrowing capacity increases and Australia’s property market reopens to more first-home buyers. So it’s no wonder that housing affordability (or unaffordability) is such a popular topic at the moment. There’s no denying it has become a lot harder to…
Today I’d like to offer a list of simple strategies that can help Australians improve their financial fitness. If done properly, this includes assessing all aspects of personal finances, including strategies to boost retirement investments, such as including property and super, savings, a review of insurance policies, staying ahead of tax obligations and making an…
No one ever sets up a business with the intention to fail. Rather, entrepreneurial types are motivated by a multitude of factors such as personal drive and ambition or a desire to work for themselves or to create a particular product or service. Sometimes it’s as simple as wanting to be in charge of our…
As tax time is approaching it’s time to get all your financial ducks in a row. And this year, it’s more important than ever for property investors to get it right. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has announced it will focus on three areas where people make the most mistakes on their tax return, and…
In a world where a staggering 75% of will contests are successful, it’s clear that the final wishes enshrined in one’s will are not as final as they may seem. This rate of success tempts more family members to seek a greater slice of the inheritance pie. Legal actions for a share – or bigger…
If you own an investment property and rent it out, you can write off a number of costs on your annual tax return. This includes claiming a deduction for any borrowing expenses incurred and any cost incurred for arranging finance to purchase it. Tax time is a big bonus for many Aussies with rental properties,…
In the current property markets where capital growth will be subdued for some time, more sophisticated investors are considering getting involved in property development to enable them to “manufacture” capital growth. However, embarking on property development isn’t as simple as it might seem and unfortunately, too many investors begin their property development journey on the…
Receiving an inheritance can be a life-changing event, but also one filled with heightened emotions and uncertainty about the implications on your financial future. While receiving a lump sum of money can be a great opportunity to strengthen your finances, the sudden increase in your wealth also requires some careful consideration and planning. So, whether…
I’ve had conversations with plenty of discouraged folks who are in their 50s (or even older) and they’re wondering how they’re going to survive in their retirement. They start to question if it’s too late to invest in property. Is there ever a time when you’re just too old? In general, my response would be…