Articles by John Lindeman

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John Lindeman has well over a decade of experience researching the nature and dynamics of various types of assets at major data analysts and is a leading property market researcher, author and commentator. For more information visit Lindeman Reports.

Given the unprecedented situation in which we find ourselves, what will the impact on the value of your homes and investment properties is likely to be given the unprecedented situation in which we find ourselves. It is a sad fact that apart from the impact of the virus itself, the ever more restrictive controls on…

The Darwin housing market is relentlessly continuing its decline, even as recoveries occur elsewhere. The Northern Territory is the most sparsely populated state or territory in Australia and seems much too far away for most investors to get excited about, especially with its house market on a seemingly endless downward spiral. Yet back in 2009…

There’s one capital city housing market that thrives during economic downturns, while others go backwards. Canberra’s housing market currently has the third highest median house price in Australia and it rose by two per cent over the last three months. Unlike Melbourne and Sydney’s recent roller coaster housing markets however, Canberra’s rate of price growth…

Some experts are forecasting doom and gloom for our property markets in 2020, while others expect moderate growth, and a few are even predicting booms. However, past performance does not accurately predict the future, because history never repeats itself. The past can however, give us some useful insights into how the property market works and…

Around 10,000 millionaire migrants are lured to Australia each year, attracted by our relative safety, political stability and affordable top tier housing prices. The housing demand they create is concentrated in Sydney and Melbourne’s older and well-established upper socio-economic suburbs which are about to experience mini booms as a result, quite against the market trend….

Australia has big regional centres such as the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Townsville and Cairns in Queensland, Newcastle and Wollongong in New South Wales and Geelong in Victoria which have much larger populations than some of our capital cities. But did you know that the populations of the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Geelong are…

At some stage in our lives, many of us dream of owning a cottage in the south of France or a hacienda on the Spanish Riviera, maybe even a log cabin up in the Swiss mountains. Others may be tempted to buy an overseas investment property, particularly when our own housing market is stagnant and…

We all love a good mystery, but don’t usually expect to find one lurking in our property markets. What is the mystery all about? The riddle is about the number of listings, or rather the lack of them in our largest property markets. Listings are properties that are for sale, and when buyer demand falls,…

Many commentators hope that property market prices are on the rise again, but there’s a much more likely prospect in store for property investors, because rents are about to start rising dramatically. Property investors have two strings to our bow – cash flow and growth, and the recent media focus on prices has pushed cash…

We tend to think of ghost towns as places where all the residents have long since packed up and gone, but in China some huge cities have recently been completed – built entirely on the opposite premise, that people will arrive. One such new ghost city is Kangbashi, located on the barren steppes of Inner…

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