Imagine an affordable, hassle-free investment in one of our major cities that offered a guaranteed rental return of over 6% and a long term lease with fixed annual rent increases. In cash-strapped times, this would seem an opportunity too good to miss. But, as always, there is a darker side. Welcome to the world of…
One of the things all property investors need to understand relates to who you should trust for advice and, specifically, the difference between a salesperson and an advisor. For anyone considering investing in property, there can be a lot of information to take in, and it’s not just about property. You would think that this is…
How does a professional valuer perform a valuation on a property, what are some of the challenges, and how can property investors use knowledge of the valuation process to their advantage? The formal valuation process is an integral part of property investment and it pays for property investors to understand the ins and outs. In…