Articles by Cameron Kusher

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Cameron Kusher is Corelogic RP Data’s senior research analyst. Cameron has a thorough understanding of the fundamentals such as demographics, trends & economics. Visit

According to sales data analysis by CoreLogic, property owners are holding on to their homes for longer. Over the past 12 months, the research showed that on average, houses are currently held for 11.3 years, while units are held for a slightly lower at 9.6 years. Research analyst Cameron Kusher observed that home owners are…

The July 2019 housing finance data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows that demand for mortgages is starting to rise. Of course, dwelling values in July were unchanged nationally and there were rises recorded for the second successive month in Sydney and Melbourne with an increase also in Brisbane. There were clear…

Our property markets are on the move. CoreLogic data is showing early signs of improving housing market conditions, predominately across Sydney and Melbourne and with some level of improvement in the areas where values previously recorded comparatively large falls. Over the three months to July 2019, national dwelling values continued to decline, falling by -0.5%,…

CoreLogic’s vendor discounting data, which is based on a rolling three month median, shows that although discounting levels are no longer increasing, there is yet to be any noticeable improvement. The vendor discount metric measures, for properties that sell below the initial list price, the difference between the original list price and the ultimate sale…

Million-dollar property market analysis by CoreLogic showed that this sector took a significant hit in its share of sales across the 2018-19 financial year. over the 2018-19 financial year the number of settled property sales fell substantially, down -17.2% from the previous year. Because of the significant difference in sales year- to-year when we are…

With the spring listing season only one month away, there is a strong chance property listing numbers will rebound sharply as pent-up vendor demand is unleashed. The big question is whether buyer demand will rise to meet any surge in listing numbers. Over the 28 days to 28 July 2019, CoreLogic was tracking 27,848 unique…

A combination of housing values trending lower and sluggish rental conditions. CoreLogic research looks at the total investment return trends across Australia’s capital cities and broad regional markets. Derived from the CoreLogic hedonic accumulation index, this analysis provides a summary of the total returns (value growth and gross rental returns) for residential properties. The data…

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