Articles by Brett Warren

Brett Warren

Brett Warren is National Director of Metropole Properties and uses his two decades of property investment experience to advise clients how to grow, protect and pass on their wealth through strategic property advice.

Are you considering buying a property in your Self Managed Superannuation Fund? It has become more and more popular over the last decade as people opt to take control of their financial future. I must firstly state that if you are considering exactly this, it is important to get advice from an appropriately licenced advisor…

Not all property investors are successful.  Some fall on hard times because they don’t research the market, some ignore good advice and make a serious error of judgment, while others listen to self-professed experts who don’t know what they are talking about and have very little experience. If you are looking for bad advice as…

There is no doubt that times sure are changing. This is especially true for baby boomers who are likely to live longer than they ever expected and possibly to struggle financially along the way, too. Not only are they likely to be around longer, they will probably not automatically retire at 65 either. Sometimes that…

When you’re buying a home, it can sometimes seem like you’re expected to learn a whole new language. Terms like “loan to value ratio”, “conditional approval” and “comparison rates” are bandied about on TV ads and in product disclosure statements – and if you don’t understand what they actually mean you could find yourself in…

Almost half of Australians are living from pay to pay. These figures from a recent Finder survey of 1,780 Australians reveal 46% – the equivalent of more than 5.9 million working Aussies – are unprepared to cope with a job loss, admitting they couldn’t survive financially for more than a month if they suddenly lost…

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