If you’ve been paying off your home loan for a few years and have built up some equity, it might be time to have a look at your home loan and see if it’s still the best package for you. If not, it’s time to look at your options. One of those options is to…
Australians are on a massive home shopping spree, borrowing to buy property at rates not seen before in this country. However, our bricks-and-mortar spendathon may be about to hit a snag as warning bells sound over soaring debt levels. Homeownership bonanza Recent ABS data has confirmed what most of us already knew – that the…
Typically, the steps to securing a loan including provide a few payslips that will serve to demonstrate your reliable, consistent income. Most of the time one or two will do, maybe three at most. And some documents that establish how long you’ve been employed. Relatively speaking, it’s a straightforward process. Unless you’re self-employed of course…
Saving the deposit for your first property is one of the hardest parts of getting into the market. In fact, it’s always been that way. But, with property prices in Sydney and parts of Melbourne now much higher than in years gone by, saving a big enough deposit is certainly not getting any easier. But…
The Australian economy has demonstrated extraordinary resilience over the past 18 months. In the lead-up to the Delta lockdowns, Australia was the only developed country to have gone into this year’s Delta lockdowns with both GDP and employment higher than before the pandemic hit early last year. However, since June, sustained, repeated lockdowns in Sydney…
As we close in on a post-COVID world, two things have become clear — people don’t need to be in the office as much (if at all) and international migration is going to be uncertain for some time to come. This is particularly problematic for anyone selling inner-city Melbourne apartments. A key demographic for inner-city…
One of the key advantages to buying in Brisbane, compared with Sydney and Melbourne, is affordability. It wasn’t that long ago that a house, 10 kilometres from the CBD, could still be found for $450,000. Compare that with Sydney, where median prices on the cusp of the middle ring, just 10 kilometres out from the…
If you’re already on the property ladder, either by owning your principal place of residence or an investment property, there’ll likely come a time when you need a mortgage security valuation. It could be to refinance so you can borrow for renovations or to buy another property, or potentially to borrow against the equity in…
As the first wave of COVID reality bit the property market and resulted in a hard stall on activity, governments scrambled to get the engine room of the economy purring again via schemes and incentives. Property has long been recognised as a financial juggernaut, with stamp duty and other taxes filling government coffers and providing…
Your credit score is an important indicator that lenders use to gauge reliability and risk when assessing a loan application. A good credit score, therefore, is an important tool that will help your chances for success. If you’ve accessed your credit score and got a bit of a nasty shock, don’t worry too much, there…