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ATMs and branches drop across Australia – are banks backing away from cash? - featured image
Chris Dang Ava
By Chris Dang

ATMs and branches drop across Australia – are banks backing away from cash?

When was the last time you used an ATM?

As banks and customers move transactions online, the number of ATMs and bank branches has dropped by more than one in 10 in the last financial year, according to the latest APRA Points of Presence data for June 2023.

In fact, the report shows number of branches has dropped by 11 per cent in the space of a year (30 June 22 - 30 June 23), and by 35 per cent in the last five years.


This trend reflects a growing shift in Australia from using physical cash to embracing electronic banking.

In 2022, cash made up only 13% of all payments, down significantly from 27% in 2019.

The percentage of 'High cash users,' those who use cash for 80% or more of their in-person transactions, dropped to 7% in 2022, down by half since 2019.

However, cash usage is not extinct yet. In August 2023, approximately $8.56 billion was withdrawn from ATMs in Australia in nearly 29 million transactions, according to the latest RBA statistics.

APRA Points of Presence: branches

The report highlighted that the number of branches in NSW has dropped by 142 over the last financial year, however, as a percentage change, the biggest drop was recorded in Victoria (-13.4%).

Meanwhile, Westpac recorded the largest drop in the number of branches out of the big four banks in the last financial year (-22%), however, this is in part, a result of the bank’s strategy to merge branches across its brands to enable Westpac, St George, Bank of Melbourne and BankSA customers to access any Westpac Group branch.

According to Westpac, a total of 42 branches were co-located in the last financial year where two or more branches were operating.

Australia’s biggest bank, CBA, recorded the lowest number of closures in percentage terms at 9 per cent.

Number of branches per state and territory

Number: June 2023 Annual change (number, %) Change from 5 yrs ago (number, %)
ACT 60 -9, -13% -32, -35%
NSW 1,192 -142, -11% -590, -33%
NT 46 -4, -8% -16, -26%
QLD 779 -60, -7% -361, -32%
SA 256 -38, -13% -166, -39%
TAS 84 -8, -9% -46, -35%
VIC 830 -128, -13% -493, -37%
WA 339 -35, -9% -191, -36%
Other 2 0, 0% -2, -50%
TOTAL 3,588 -424, -11% -1,897, -35%

Source: APRA points of presence, June 2023, released 18 Oct 2023. Other includes Jervis Bay Territory and the external Territories of Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Number of branches by remoteness in Australia

Number: end FY2023 Change from previous yr Change from 5 yrs ago
Major cities 2027 -302, -13% -1,203, -37%
Inner regional 892 -74, -8% -373, -29%
Outer regional 531 -38, -7% -242, -31%
Remote 98 -4, -4% -47, -32%
Very remote 40 -6, -13% -32, -44%

Source: APRA points of presence, June 2023, released 18 Oct 2023.

Big four branches

Number: June 2023 Annual change (number, %) Change from 5 yrs ago (number, %)
CBA 728 -73, -9% -353, -33%
Westpac 583 -167, -22% -428, -42%
NAB 473 -63, -12% -215, -31%
ANZ 342 -72, -17% -291, -46%
Total big four 2,126 -375, -15% -1,287, -38%

Source: APRA points of presence, June 2023, released 18 Oct 2023

APRA Points of Presence: ATMs

The report revealed that the total number of ATMs in Australia dropped by 718 in the last financial year – a decline of 11 per cent.

In comparison to FY2018, there are almost 7,000 fewer ATMs, marking a 55% decrease.

The largest annual decline occurred in cities, down by 12%, with Western Australia experiencing the most significant percentage drop at 14%.

Even though the big four banks have offered free access to their ATMs for all Australians since 2017, the overall number of these ATMs continues to decrease.

The most recent data from APRA shows a 9% reduction in big bank ATMs in the past financial year and a 53% decrease since June 2018.

However, Westpac and ANZ provide their customers with free access to Armaguard's network of over 1,700 ATMs in addition to their own ATMs.

Number of ATMs per state and territory

Number: June 2023 Annual change (number, %) Change from 5 yrs ago (number, %)
ACT 88 -9, -9% -144, -62%
NSW 1,851 -231, -11% -2,269, -55%
NT 89 -6, -6% -58, -39%
QLD 1,115 -159, -12% -1,371, -55%
SA 390 -37, -9% -443, -53%
TAS 109 -6, -5% -174, -61%
VIC 1,540 -185, -11% -1,700, -52%
WA 510 -85, -14% -787, -61%
Other 1 0, 0% 0, 0%
Total 5,693 -718, -11% -6,946, -55%

Source: APRA points of presence, June 2023, released 18 Oct 2023. Other includes Jervis Bay Territory and the external Territories of Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Number of ATMs by remoteness in Australia

By remoteness area Number: end FY2023 Change from previous yr Change from 5 yrs ago
Major cities 3,794 -535, -12% -5,322, -58%
Inner regional 1,126 -110, -9% -1,099, -49%
Outer regional 615 -62, -9% -448, -42%
Remote 101 -6, -6% -54, -35%
Very remote 57 -5, -8% -23, -29%

Source: APRA points of presence, June 2023, released 18 Oct 2023.

Big four bank ATM numbers

  Number: June 2023 Annual change (number, %) Change from 5 yrs ago (number, %)
CBA 1,956 -139, -7% -1,713, -47%
Westpac 917 -225, -20% -1,735, -65%
NAB 777 -88, -10% -260, -25%
ANZ 870 -19, -2% -1,424, -62%
Total big four 4,520 -471, -9% -5,132, -53%

Source: APRA points of presence, June 2023, released 18 Oct 2023.

Bank@Post continues to be an important option

The availability of 'other face-to-face' points of presence, including Bank@Post services, remains a common service in local communities.

Bank@Post is a service offered at Australia Post outlets where customers can perform basic banking tasks like depositing and withdrawing cash, provided their bank participates in this program.

According to APRA data, there was a slight 0.2% increase in the number of these service points over the last year, but there has been a 5% decline over the past five years.

Research from indicates that more than 70 banks, approximately 74% of the database, offer Bank@Post services to their customers.

This includes major banks like CBA, Westpac, and NAB, online-only banks like ING, and smaller credit unions with limited branches in specific locations.

However, ANZ does not provide its customers with access to Bank@Post services.

Are there cashless branches?

According to research, some CBA, NAB, and ANZ shopfronts only offer ATM access and don't accept deposits or cash withdrawals over the counter.

In contrast, all Westpac branches let customers deposit and withdraw cash over the counter.

Deposit and withdrawals available at tellers in all branches? Withdrawal limit via teller
CBA Not at CBA specialist centres No limit – call ahead for large amounts.
Westpac Yes No limit – call ahead for large amounts.
NAB Not at Expert Centres No limit – call ahead for large amounts.
ANZ No Appointment preferred where amount is over $10,000 research director Sally Tindall said:

“Cash is no longer king, but it’s not dead in the water either.

RBA statistics show over $8 billion is withdrawn from ATMs across the country every single month, confirming we’re not a cashless society just yet.

While the majority of banking services have moved online, some customers still prefer to transact face-to-face, while others rely on in-branch banking because they need to deposit or withdraw large amounts of cash, whether that’s for their business, the local footy club, or to pay for something they’ve bought second hand to avoid scammers.

Westpac might have recorded the largest number of branch closures over the last financial year, however, this is partly due to the merging of branches across the banking group.

Customers of Westpac, St George, Bank of Melbourne and BankSA can all access teller facilities from the same location."

Online Shopping 2

She further commented:

"The move to online banking has caused banks to reassess their points of presence.

To counter this, some banks have decided to piggyback on existing facilities such as third-party ATM networks and Australia Post branches to provide customers with more access to basic services.

Australia Post branches play an important role in keeping competition in the banking sector alive, because of the basic banking services they provide.

Many customers who opt for a smaller bank or credit union with a limited branch network are comforted by the fact that if they need to deposit or withdraw a reasonable amount of cash, they can head to their nearest post office.

That said, Bank@Post services are limited and not a direct replacement for a full-service branch.

With 566 submissions to the Senate inquiry, the issue of regional and remote branch closures is a significant one.

Banks provide an important service in regional and remote communities that extends beyond the basic fundamentals of accepting and dispensing cash.

The Senate is rightly looking into the impact of these closures, and will no doubt be factoring in this latest round of APRA data."

Chris Dang Ava
About Chris Dang Chris Dang is an accountant by training and has worked in the Financial Planning industry for many years. Chris brings together property, accounting, and financial planning experience to help clients of Metropole Wealth Advisory create a holistic plan for their wealth.
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