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[Podcast] Finding Investment-Grade Locations: How to Make Your Property Outperform the Market with Brett Warren

[Podcast] Finding Investment-Grade Locations: How to Make Your Property Outperform the Market with Brett Warren
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Today we're going to tackle one of the most critical decisions every property investor faces: where to buy.

It’s often said that the three most important factors in property investment are location, location, and location—but what does that really mean?

Not every suburb or street will deliver the kind of growth and returns you’re hoping for.

To truly succeed, you need to be looking at investment-grade locations—those rare spots that consistently outperform the broader market.

I'm joined by Brett Warren, national director at Metropole Property Strategists and an expert who identifies these high-potential areas.

Brett has spent years analysing data, spotting trends, and helping investors make smarter decisions.

Today, he shares his insights on what makes a location investment grade, why some areas rise while others stagnate, and how you can position yourself for maximum growth.

So, if you’re tired of mediocre returns and want your investments to stand out, this episode is for you.

We’re going to dive deep into the strategies that will help you choose the right locations and set your property portfolio up for long-term success.

Property Location Secrets with Brett Warren

In our chat today, Brett Warren and I discussed various critical factors that can influence the success of property investments.

  • The importance of selecting investment-grade locations for property investment
  • Income growth and the influx of double-income professionals and young families Location5
  • The differences between outer suburbs and inner to middle ring suburbs, focusing on the risks of pioneering unproven locations
  • Signs of gentrification, such as new cafes and upscale renovations, as indicators of safer investment areas
    • Low crime rates and other subtle indicators, like the types of dogs owned in an area, as signs of gentrification
  • The varied investment potentials of affluent versus middle-ring suburbs
  • The shifting demographic trends of millennials seeking townhouses for more space and lifestyle balance
  • The limitations of growth in affordable areas due to financial constraints faced by residents
  • Importance of long-term and short-term property investment strategies
    • The significance of key metrics like days on the market, vendor discounting prices, and auction clearance rates

Throughout the episode, we explore factors that contribute to successful property investment, offering listeners a comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of the property market. Location

Whether you're looking to refine your investment strategy or just starting, this episode is packed with insights and expert advice to help you make informed decisions.

Links and Resources:

Michael Yardney

Brett Warren, National Director of Property at Metropole

Join Brett Warren, Greg Hankinson, Leanne Jopson, and Lachlan Mirams at the Ultimate Property Development Workshop in Melbourne on October 5thfind out more and reserve your spot here

Also, please subscribe to my new podcast Demographics Decoded with Simon Kuestenmacher – just look for Demographics Decoded wherever you are listening to this podcast and subscribe so each week we can unveil the trends shaping your future.

Some of our favorite quotes from the show:

“So, it's not just the demographics of the owner-occupiers that are going to push up values in your area, but also the demographics of the potential tenants.” - Michael Yardney

“It's a bit like Monopoly. Everyone wants the Park Lanes and Mayfairs. Nobody ever wins Monopoly buying Old Kent Road.” - Michael Yardney

“One of the things I found interesting was that not one person out of the thousand interviewed said that to be happy, you should try to work hard or you should have as much money as you can, to buy things you want.” - Michael Yardney


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Michael Yardney


Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

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