Personal Finance

Building wealth certainly doesn’t happen overnight and as much as property investment is key, this all begins with how you manage your money. These articles offer the best advice from finance industry experts so you can learn how to benefit from long-term monetary strategies.
Michael Yardney Michael Yardney book
  • The negotiation tricks used by the professionals
  • The rules of negotiation
  • The 5 big negotiation mistakes you must avoid
  • The myths of negotiation
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As we near the end of the financial year, it’s wise to reflect on how you can optimise your tax position for the 2023/24 financial year. Below, I’ve outlined the factors we typically consider when reviewing a client’s position. Firstly, estimate your tax position When undertaking tax planning, the initial step involves estimating your tax…

Whether or not we’re aware of it, there are two wars raging inside each one of us: Taking Action or Procrastinating. When we take action on our dreams and goals it moves us forward in life. Action creates ripples that produce feedback, which is critical in understanding if we are on the right track or…

Australia’s total credit card debt attracting interest charges has risen for the fifth month in a row, as households across the country struggle to get on top of their credit card debt. According to the latest RBA credit card statistics for the month of April, the total credit card bill attracting interest on personal credit…

We all know how important childhood experiences are in shaping your beliefs as an adult. Of course, we’re not born knowing how to make money – so we learn it from our parents, teachers, peers, cultural community, etc. and this shapes our views for the rest of our lives. But I was fascinated to read…

Make sure to ‘die with zero’ for optimal happiness – that’s the idea behind Bill Perkins book – Die with Zero. In short, Perkins wants to rescue you from over-saving and under-living. So let’s dive into a challenging yet enlightening perspective on retirement, personal finance, and life priorities, inspired by Simon Kuestenmacher’s article in The…

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