Personal Finance

Building wealth certainly doesn’t happen overnight and as much as property investment is key, this all begins with how you manage your money. These articles offer the best advice from finance industry experts so you can learn how to benefit from long-term monetary strategies.
Michael Yardney Michael Yardney book
  • The negotiation tricks used by the professionals
  • The rules of negotiation
  • The 5 big negotiation mistakes you must avoid
  • The myths of negotiation
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What jobs in Australia pay really well? Well, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has just revealed the highest-paid jobs in the country, and once again, surgeons have claimed the top spot, earning an impressive average of $460,356. According to an article from Yahoo Finance, this figure only accounts for 4,170 workers in the country, but…

Success is built upon a mountain of mistakes. The higher that mountain, the greater your success. As crazy as it may sound, you want success to take a long time. The longer you pursue success, the more you will learn from your mistakes and failures and the more expert you become in whatever you do….

One of the most common traits that bonds people to great success and power, is their ability to take a risk. Instead of sitting on the sidelines, and wondering ‘what if’, these trail-blazers are proof that with risk comes great reward. Here are 10 inspiring quotes by 10 exceptional risk-takers: 1. Take the first step…

It’s official: Australia’s rich are getting richer and there’s no such luck for those on the other end. But, the rich can’t keep getting richer than the average Australian forever – can they? Well…Australia has long been thought of as the land of the middle class, but when comparing the upper, middle, and lower rungs…

There are a plethora of books and blogs out there on success. And I regularly write about success for you on this site. But how about looking at it from the other side of the ledger? What are some of the common traits of failure that you can learn from to succeed? 1. Hanging with…

Australia is becoming a more litigious society with more people considering suing and more lawyers opting to take on their cases for no upfront fee. While the number of lawsuits in Australia is growing, we’re still a fair way from the situation in the USA, where people have a 33 per cent chance of being…

The average individual performs far below their abilities. They do what they have to do to survive; to get by. They avoid taking risks that could disrupt their lives. True success is the byproduct of unleashing your innate abilities; exposing them to the light of day for all to see. But this requires risk. That…

What does success look like? It’s fair to say that we’re living in some interesting times. People are launching lucrative careers through video platforms, such as YouTube, and making money from the number of social media followers they have. Good luck to those who are doing it, of course, but in this celebrity-driven era it’s…

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