Articles by Tom Corley

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Tom is a CPA, CFP and heads one of the top financial firms in New Jersey. For 5 years, Tom observed and documented the daily activities of wealthy people and people living in poverty and his research he identified over 200 daily activities that separated the “haves” from the “have nots” which culminated in his #1 bestselling book, Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals. Visit the website:

Imagine you’re part of a group of cavemen, walking through the tall grass in the Savanna on the hunt for your next meal. Suddenly, a member of your group catches a glimpse of a lion out of the corner of their eye. The member motions to the other members of the group. In a split…

All individuals have what I often like to call “Super Powers”. These “Super Powers” are part of our amazing brain and the software programming embedded in our DNA. All we have to do, as human beings, is to turn on these Super Powers. What are these Super Powers and how do we Awaken them? Human…

We are not creatures of circumstances. We are creatures of habit. Your life is not a product of luck, fate or the circumstances you were born into, but a product of your habits. Habits are repetitive thoughts that lead to repetitive behavior. If your thoughts are positive and upbeat, your behavior will reflect that. If…

I get a lot of emails from subscribers, fans, and followers who are trying to pursue something important – a dream, a purpose, or some big goal. Too often, embedded inside the emails I receive, are excuses why they quit. The word BECAUSE seems to pop up frequently in those emails. “I couldn’t do X because …”…

When I embarked on my Rich Habits Study I was not content with identifying the Rich Habits of wealthy people.  Success habits only get you halfway down the field. In order to get down the rest of the field and score, you also need to know what not to do. That is why I also…

Dr. Ali Binazir, the author of the Tao of Dating, estimates that the odds of you existing are one in four quadrillions. He makes a very impressive, analytical argument in arriving at that number in his piece “Are You a Miracle?”. It’s a great piece, but to save you time here’s the short of it….

When it comes to living your best life, the big elephant in the room is self-control. The more you have, the better the circumstances of your life. There have been many studies supporting this, but perhaps the best-known study was the Stanford Marshmallow Study. Intuitively, we all know that behind many of our struggles in life,…

My Aunt Peg was one of my early mentors in life. She always said what was on her mind and bragged about it. As a kid, I loved it. I loved seeing my Aunt Peg go to town on someone and watching their reaction, which was usually not a good one. At my Aunt Peg’s…

According to a study conducted by economists from the University of Padova, Italy, individuals who read for self-education earned 21% more like adults, than those who did have this growth habit. In another study conducted by Daniel Belsky (Duke University), who studied 918 New Zealanders, he found that individuals who developed the reading to learn…

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