Articles by Tom Corley

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Tom is a CPA, CFP and heads one of the top financial firms in New Jersey. For 5 years, Tom observed and documented the daily activities of wealthy people and people living in poverty and his research he identified over 200 daily activities that separated the “haves” from the “have nots” which culminated in his #1 bestselling book, Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals. Visit the website:

According to Barry Schwartz, a professor at the University of California (Berkeley), and author of the book The Paradox of Choice, social comparison often creates envy, and envy quickly makes people miserable. Human beings have a character flaw that is hardwired into us thanks to evolution. They tend to look at others and compare themselves to those…

One of my clients runs a pretty successful landscaping business. One payday, he noticed that his employees immediately headed to the convenience store located in a nearby strip mall. Once he became aware of this oddity, he noticed that every payday, this pattern repeated itself. Out of curiosity, he followed them into the store after…

My parents used to say that when my Grandfather, Pop Pop Dailey, used to walk into the room, it didn’t matter who was in the room. Pop Pop Dailey could command the entire room’s attention. Why? People liked him. He was very likable. People who are likable are magnets. They attract others to them. In…

Have you ever wondered what the most common major problems are in life? I have. I spent the past 12 years studying the rich and the poor (Rich Habits Study) and found that there were 12 frequent big problems almost everyone has to contend with: Health Problems Financial Problems Family Problems Neighbour Problems Home Ownership…

In my speaker role, I am often asked by someone, “How important is luck with respect to becoming rich?” It’s a very good question. There are certain self-made millionaires (Saver/Investors), where luck does not play much of a factor. These millionaires become rich by saving and prudently investing their savings. Time, more than luck, is…

“You can change the world or you can worry about fitting in, but you can’t do both.” – Robin Sharma If you study millionaires and billionaires as I do, you’d find that the one common characteristic they all seem to share is a desire to do something that separates them from everyone else. They seek to…

Many people love to eat sausage because it tastes so good. But, if you ever witnessed how sausage was made and the ingredients that went into it, you’d likely cringe. Most people feel the same way about success as they do about sausage – they want it. They’d like to be able to live in…

Successful, wealthy people do not just suddenly become rich and successful. Success is a process that takes place over many years. Long before most wealthy people become wealthy, they make a habit of living below their means. The following is a list of ten spending habits I’ve uncovered during my five-year study of the rich and…

When it comes to managing and investing money, the rich are very different from the non-rich. From my five-year study of the rich and the poor, I discovered that there were certain common money management mistakes the rich never seemed to make. The rich avoid uneducated risk-taking The rich do their homework. They study investments…

I knew one of the self-made millionaire entrepreneurs in my study for a long time. Several years before he became rich, he and I took a Saturday to play golf. Throughout our round, he must have said to me a dozen times that he was a pathetic loser. I told him he wasn’t a loser….

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