Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists of all time. He is also famous for some of his quotes. Here are some inspirational quotes by this brilliant person. 1. “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” 3. “A person who never…
There are 106 suburbs across Australia that are cheaper today than they were five years ago, new analysis shows, despite house and unit prices doubling at the same time. That’s one of the reports from Domain that I’m going to chat about today with Dr. Nicola Powell, Domain’s Chief of Research and Economics, and we…
As a seasoned property investor, I’ve witnessed firsthand the intricate dance of the property markets. Over the years I’ve come to appreciate that property investing is a complex affair and despite all the podcasts, blogs, webinars and so-called “advisors” the fact is that most investors fail to achieve the financial freedom they are looking for….
Only a few months ago, there was talk about the hope of interest rates starting to fall by the middle of this year. Australia’s biggest bank in CBA suggested there could be six cuts in interest rates over the next two years. And then things changed, inflation remained more stubborn and the economy grew strongly…
How many times have you driven past a property and said to yourself, “If only I had bought that property when it was for sale five years ago? Who wouldn’t have bought more properties 10 years ago if they knew they would have doubled in value as many well-located real estate have done over the…
Make sure to ‘die with zero’ for optimal happiness – that’s the idea behind Bill Perkins book – Die with Zero. In short, Perkins wants to rescue you from over-saving and under-living. So let’s dive into a challenging yet enlightening perspective on retirement, personal finance, and life priorities, inspired by Simon Kuestenmacher’s article in The…
Warren Buffett is obviously incredibly successful. He’s probably the most successful investor of modern times, having built his wealth long-term to over US $136 billion, making him one of the richest men in America. Let’s check out 10 intelligent and inspiring lessons and quotes on investing from one of the world’s wealthiest people. 1. One…
They say the road to success is paved with failures, and speaking from personal experience, I know that’s very true. Here are 5 lessons you’ll have to learn before you can become successful. You might have already learned some the hard way, but you still have the chance to learn the others without necessarily having…
You’ve heard me say it before… your thoughts lead to your feelings, your feeling becomes your actions and your actions become your results. I’ve heard others say it differently… your words become actions, which eventually become your destiny. Similarly, Napoleon Hill, who wrote Think and Grow Rich and became the twentieth-century father of personal success,…
Would you like to learn the property investment secrets of Australia’s richest property investor? Well, today we’ll explore the powerful strategies that fueled Harry Triguboff’s ascent to billionaire status, as we learn seven lessons from the $26 billion man who is regularly number one or number two on Australia’s wealthiest person list. My guest, Tyrone…