Articles by Ken Raiss

Ken Raiss

Ken is director of Metropole Wealth Advisory and gives strategic expert advice to property investors, professionals and business owners. He is in a unique position to blend his skills of accounting, wealth advisory, property investing, financial planning and small business. View his articles

We put in place insurance for our homes, our furniture, our car, our holidays, and even our pets, but many of us ignore what funds these policies – which is our ability to work to generate income.  So, how do you protect your ability to work should unforeseen circumstances like a major illness or injury occurs?…

They say blood is thicker than water but when it comes to distributing your wealth, human instinct can take on a darker side because money is involved. People often feel vulnerable when contemplating their death, but this is no excuse to not have a Will. It’s vital that you receive legal advice when preparing your…

Sometimes life doesn’t work out the way we would like it to.  Despite our best efforts or best intentions, we find ourselves in strife. Many Australians know what I’m talking about.  While we have it pretty good in this country, we’re also a nation up to its eyeballs in debt. If this debt gets out…

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is one of those things that most investors know they will probably have to pay one day – and then promptly forget about it! The reality is that CGT can be difficult and confusing to understand, let alone calculate, so it’s important to have specialists on your side – and especially…

It’s a common philosophy in property investment to start with the end in mind.  Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done, and loan structuring is one such overlooked strategy that could save investors tens of thousands of dollars over the course of their property investment journey. While this article will outline some of the…

Debt sounds like such a bad word, doesn’t it? The thing is there is good debt and bad debt.  Good debt makes you money – such as a mortgage on an investment property. You’re technically using other people’s money to create wealth through capital growth. On the other hand, bad debt costs you money –…

The Tax Office is ramping up audits of property investors. This comes after the ATO checked a random sample of returns with rental deductions and found nine in 10 claims contained errors. The ATO audited 1500 taxpayers with rental claims and applied penalties totalling $1.3 million in 2017-18, but expects to carry out 4500 audits…

Labor proposed $200 Billion worth of new taxes. That’s a staggering amount – almost unfathomable With the many new taxes and policy changes that Labor will implement if they win the May 18th Federal Election, they will tax your income, your home, your superannuation and your savings. Many of the changes are difficult to understand…

The past century has probably not seen a sharper mind than Albert Einstein. And, if I know anything, it’s that smart men and women are often good role models to follow. Albert Einstein, for example, is credited to have called compounding as the most powerful force in the universe, in fact the eighth wonder of…

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