Articles by John Lindeman

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John Lindeman has well over a decade of experience researching the nature and dynamics of various types of assets at major data analysts and is a leading property market researcher, author and commentator. For more information visit Lindeman Reports.

Many believed that recurring lockdowns and working from home restrictions would lead to a baby boom, but it’s not in sight – yet. John Lindeman explains why, and what’s around the corner. It seems natural that periodically locking down couples at home and closing public entertainment and recreation facilities would lead to more babies being…

The closing of our national borders to overseas arrivals is impacting population growth in some States and Territories but is also causing cash flow booms for property investors in others.  It’s understandable that much of the focus on international border closures caused by the pandemic has been negative because lower population growth ultimately means less…

High price growth often motivates investors to buy properties in the expectation that the growth will continue or even escalate, so are investors about to jump on board and turn this boom into a price bubble? Although the number of investors in the property market is growing, the percentage of investors buying property is around…

Early last year the banks, economists and other analysts were wringing their hands, predicting economic gloom and claiming that our property markets were about to crash. Analysts and economists often rely on past performance to help them make predictions, so when the pandemic hit our shores, they scoured the history books to check what had…

There are many explanations for the current housing market boom, such as lower interest rates, relaxed borrowing rules, buyer grants, building incentives, stamp duty waivers and tax cuts. But while these have all contributed in some way to the rise in buyer demand, they don’t explain the dramatic increase in the number of potential buyers,…

Warren Buffet has just two rules that investors must follow to ensure success. His first rule is Never lose money and the second is Never forget the first rule. So how can investors use this wisdom to profit in the current market? It would seem that getting into a growth market is the best way to avoid losing…

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