Articles by Adam Hubbard

Adam Hubbard is a senior Wealth Strategist at Metropole and his many years of real estate and wealth creation experience gives him a holistic perspective with which he helps his clients safely grow their wealth through property.


Insurance is one thing that many Aussies overlook. But whether you’re a homeowner or investor, it’s important to make sure you’re covered against anything happening to your property. And for strata-titled properties, building insurance is included in your quarterly owner’s corporation or body corporate fees so owners just need to ensure they have adequate cover…


Millions of Australian homes are at risk of natural disasters and most homeowners are unaware, leaving them sitting ducks and potentially uninsurable, according to Domain’s 2024 Perils Report. Domain CEO, Jason Pellegrino, emphasized the urgent need for Australia to build viable, livable communities as the climate changes. Mr Pellegrino said: “Australians are struggling. Affordable housing…


Every property investor wants to pay less tax and increase their income streams, but up to 80% of investors fail to take advantage of one of the big tools available to help them do just that: property depreciation. A professional tax depreciation schedule can be the difference between a negatively geared property and a positive…


It’s fascinating to see how millennials are reshaping the landscape of property investment. Recent data from CommBank reveals that this generation isn’t just actively investing in properties; they’re also confidently navigating this journey solo. In 2023, millennials, those born between 1981 and 1996, represented a striking 46% of CommBank’s new property investors. Gen X followed,…


What makes a particular location liveable? That would be nice to know, wouldn’t it? It would be particularly important if you’re a homebuyer, but as an investor, it’s critical to only own properties in the type of location that will be in continuous strong demand by more affluent owner-occupiers. Of course, the concept of livability is…


It’s no secret that Australians are now valuing sustainable, energy-efficient homes not just for environmental reasons but as a smart way to save money. With the cost of living pressures escalating, incorporating energy-efficient features into homes is becoming a financially savvy strategy. This trend is especially relevant as high utility bills are increasingly stretching household…

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