Do you know what’s so interesting about success?
When I look at people around me who are ultra-successful — I mean, whether it’s in their business, their investments, with money, or in their physical health, or maybe it’s in their relationships —it’s not that they’re any smarter.
It’s not that they’re any more talented.
They weren’t born with something special.
Instead, they simply have a different mindset.
They think differently, and you’ve heard me say it before – your thoughts lead to your feelings; your feelings lead to your actions, and your actions lead to your results.
For these successful people, their outside world – the results you see - is a reflection of their inside world – the way they think.
Now that we’re close to the end of the year, let me ask you a question: looking back, how successful has the year been for you?
Like most of us, there have been a lot of challenges this year for you, probably more than most of the years.
So, in today’s show, I chat with Kurek Ashley, and he’ll give you some clues as to how to make next year the most successful year you’ve had.
I know that’s a bold claim, but he is known as “The Transformer,” and when we chat, you’ll understand why.
Would you like to achieve more success in your life?
If you could do that, what would that mean to you?
Well, my guest today will explain how you can do that
Joining me today is Kurek Ahshley, who is considered one of the most inspirational speakers on the planet.
He is renowned as “The Transformer” because of his astounding ability to help people transform their lives forever – their business, their dis-ease – whatever area of life is holding them back from achieving the dream results that they’re after.
Kurek is the author of the #1 best-selling book How Would Love Respond? and has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.
Highlights from my conversation with Kurek Ahshley:
- How a helicopter crash changed the course of Kurek’s life
- There’s been additional marketing and buzz around being stressed and tired and worn out, but it’s not new
- Successful people learn how they think and feel differently, which changes the way they act and produces a different result
- The biggest reason people don’t succeed is that their thoughts and emotions don’t harmonize.
- People have impotent goals, and it holds them back from taking action toward their goals. They don’t create abundance; they don’t have a grand dream.
- You have to get on the frequency of the things you want. When you’re on that frequency, you receive what’s on that frequency.
- The formula for becoming more successful
- Start with the right mindset, then develop the right skill set, then follow through
- Start with the right mindset, then develop the right skill set, then follow through
- You don’t need to be lucky or special. Anyone can do it. The formula is scientific. It’s for anyone who puts it into action.
- Someone can work less and achieve more of their goals.
- All you have to do is figure out what the first step is. Doing the first step and completing it will lead you to the next one, and so on.
- The formula called DCI
- Decision, Consistence, Investment
- Make a decision, commit to it by being consistent, and invest in order to get something out
- Why it’s so important to get past procrastination.
- Decision, Consistence, Investment
Links and Resources:
Kurek Ahshley – The Transformer -
Check out Kurek’s Program – Stop What’s Stopping You
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“Well, we can’t control the outside world, so we’ve got to learn to better control our reaction to it.” –Michael Yardney
“What I guess I’m getting at is you are where you are today because of all the actions you’ve chosen to take, but also because of all the actions you’ve chosen not to take.” – Michael Yardney
“I guess the most expensive information you can get is the wrong information that’s free.” – Michael Yardney
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