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[Podcast] Government Crackdown on Landlords: Are You Prepared for These New Property Laws with Leanne Jopson

[Podcast] Government Crackdown on Landlords: Are You Prepared for These New Property Laws with Leanne Jopson
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Today’s episode of the podcast is special because, if you're a property investor or planning to become one, we're going to uncover some shocking new rules that could cost you thousands, something all investors need to know, but we've found many don't know. My Podcast 605 New Regulations Property Investors Must Understand With Leanne Jopson

So I'm going to be chatting with the National Director of Metropole Property Management, Leanne Jopson, and we're going to talk about some of these new legislative changes.

Now, I'm sure you're aware the governments have implemented a series of legislative changes.

State governments are seeming to change the rules over and over again.  While the intention is to protect tenants, they've placed a much greater burden on landlords and property managers alike.

We're going to talk about government interference and some of the legislative changes, some of the burden of compliance, and I bet you didn't know the fines that you could face if your property doesn't meet minimum standards.

I'll talk a bit about the rental markets and we're going to explain what you need to look for in a property manager.

Maximising property investment returns amid regulatory changes

With the expertise of Leanne Jopson, National Director of Metropole Property Management, we explore new legislative changes and how they impact landlords and property managers.

From innovative strategies to compliance challenges, this episode is packed with essential insights for navigating the current property market.

  • Insights into the Broader Rental Market Context
    • Skyrocketing rents
    • The importance of selecting the right tenants amidst these regulatory changes property-management-orlando-2
  • Significant legislative changes affecting property investors
    • The abolishment of no-cause evictions
    • Changes to how often you can increase rents
    • New evidentiary requirements
  • Property Management Complexities in Queensland
  • Strategies to maximize rent and minimize vacancies under new regulations limiting rent increases to once a year
  • The new minimum rental standards and compliance requirements, such as proper locks, adequate drainage, ventilation, and upcoming regulations on heating, cooling, and energy efficiency
    • The differences in minimum rental standards between states
  • The increasing challenges faced by property managers and landlords due to complex residential tenancy legislation and new compliance requirements
  • Proactive measures by Metropole Property Management
    • Restructuring portfolio sizes
    • Expanding the administration team Property Manager Buyers Agent
    • Enhancing technological capabilities for better reporting and instant notifications
    • The necessity of meticulous tenant screening, accurate data checking, and comprehensive education initiatives for clients to ensure compliance and safeguard investments
  • The role of a knowledgeable property management team in protecting landlords' investments and helping investors achieve financial freedom amidst new regulations

This episode offers a wealth of knowledge for property investors and managers looking to navigate the complexities of the current property market.

With expert advice from Leanne Jobson, you'll gain the tools and strategies needed to thrive despite the challenging regulatory landscape.

Links and Resources:

Michael Yardney

Get the team at Metropole to help build your personal Strategic Property Plan Click here and have a chat with us

Leanne Jopson – Director Metropole Property Management

Click here to find out how Metropole Property Management can help you maximise the return on your properties

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Also, please subscribe to my new podcast Demographics Decoded with Simon Kuestenmacher – just look for  Demographics Decoded wherever you are listening to this podcast and subscribe so each week we can unveil the trends shaping your future.

Some of our favourite quotes from the show:

“There are lots of reasons why at times you may actually want to get access to your property again and I think most property investors get offended when they can't get access to their property.” - Michael Yardney

“I know those who are staying in the property management industry are demanding significantly higher wages to make up for the stress of all this. They're feeling the pressure of, I guess, continuously delivering bad news for our tenants and also for landlords because most landlords' rental providers are finding this continual change a challenge.” - Michael Yardney

“Luck from awareness, created through specific skills that make it easier for you to spot those lucky events when other people can't. And luck from uniqueness that's luck that's created through a unique combination of skills that attract luck to you.” - Michael Yardney


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Michael Yardney


Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

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