Are you faced with a problem? Psychologist Rick Hanson, senior fellow of The Greater Good Science Center of UC, Berkeley has studied something called negativity bias for years. He found that our brains are all hardwired for negativity. Negativity Bias is the habit of focusing on worst-case scenarios when we are confronted with problems. Our…
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” -Confucius As children, we are programmed to believe that failure is bad. If you fail a test, it negatively impacts your grade for the course. Fail enough tests and teachers start calling parents. Parents then yell at their children to…
Successful people seem to be obsessed with success quotes. They love to throw them around wherever and whenever they can. Successful speakers love to use quotes as do successful authors. Success and quotes go together like beer and pretzels. So, I thought I’d share some of the quotes I’ve accumulated from interviewing self-made millionaires, from…
We’ve all heard about to-do lists. The best to-do lists incorporate daily activities that help move you forward in life towards accomplishing your goals and realizing your dreams. But you probably never heard of a to-don’t list. A to-don’t list is equally as important as a to-do list. A to-don’t list includes things you should never…
I was 24 when I took my first flight on a plane. Growing up poor didn’t give me much opportunity to travel. In fact, it wasn’t until I started my career as a CPA that I realized how much I had missed out on. At Arthur Anderson, I flew for the first time to Chicago….
Do you have to be naturally smart in order to strike it rich? Is intelligence a prerequisite for success? In my five-year study of the daily habits of 233 self-made millionaires and 128 individuals at or near poverty (Rich Habits Study – Background on Methodology), I uncovered the answer to these and many other questions….
The circumstances of your life are a mirror of your habits, beliefs, emotions, and your thinking. You see this mirror effect at work all the time. Someone walks into a room, smiling, happy, and upbeat. Their very presence affects everyone in the room, in a positive way. You also see the mirror effect at work…
Success is built upon a mountain of mistakes. The higher that mountain, the greater your success. As crazy as it may sound, you want success to take a long time. The longer you pursue success, the more you will learn from your mistakes and failures and the more expert you become in whatever you do….
Imagine you’re part of a group of cavemen, walking through the tall grass in the Savanna on the hunt for your next meal. Suddenly, a member of your group catches a glimpse of a lion out of the corner of their eye. The member motions to the other members of the group. In a split…
The average individual performs far below their abilities. They do what they have to do to survive; to get by. They avoid taking risks that could disrupt their lives. True success is the byproduct of unleashing your innate abilities; exposing them to the light of day for all to see. But this requires risk. That…