Hardwired by evolution into every human is the desire to be part of a herd. In the early days of humanity, being part of a herd = survival. With a herd, there was always someone within the herd on guard for predators or danger and also herd members who identified opportunities that could be beneficial…
One of the reasons self-made millionaires become rich, is they know something about goal-setting that isn’t generally known or taught. And this knowledge enables them to achieve 100% of their goals, every time, all the time. Unfortunately, most people who set goals, grow frustrated or beaten down and eventually give up on their goals. That’s too…
According to a study by Raj Raghunathan, Ph.D., Associate Professor with University of Texas McCombs School of Business, between 60-70% of self-talk is negative. And, according to a landmark study by B.L. Frederickson, called The Broad and Build Study, this is a major problem. Negativity, they found, shuts down part of the neocortex, impairing focus, cognitive ability…
Your brain takes in 11 million bits of information per second. Unfortunately, the brain can only process 40 bits of information per second. Which 40 bits does it choose to accept? The answer to that question dictates the type of life you create. Will that 40 bits be negative information or positive information? Will it…
There’s a misconception that being naive is a trait – something you are just born with. Not so. The fact is, naiveté is a habit. And a very bad one. According to my research, 27% of self-made millionaires in my study failed at least once. They had to pick themselves up from the financial gutter…
That feeling we call happiness is actually an elevation of primarily three neuro-chemicals – dopamine, seratonin and norepinephrine. Dopamine naturally increases whenever we experience positive, good, upbeat events. Dopamine increases motivation, creative thinking, memory, problem solving and enthusiasm. Serotonin naturally increases whenever we are around people we love or care about and experience love, compassion,…
If you’re not sold on the importance of habits, this might change your mind. Dr. Michael Greger and his research team poured through 24,000 studies on longevity and found that 80-90% of the risk factors associated with age-related diseases (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers, Dementia, etc.) were driven by diet and lifestyle (aka Habits). Simply…
Why is there so much unrest in our big cities? The experts are quick to point the finger of blame at a variety of causes: low wages, racial discrimination, Police gone wild, America’s shrinking manufacturing base, U.S. companies moving oversees, China stealing our jobs, illegal immigrants stealing our jobs, poor education system, the rich exploiting the poor,…
There are two groups of poor people. The first group are individuals who simply do not make enough money to meet their needs. The second group are individuals whose income exceeds their needs but who, nonetheless, spend more than they make. According to Census Bureau data, there are approximately 46 million poor people who…
The most practical and valuable advice on becoming rich comes from those who tried. Listen closely to those who have tried to pursue wealth. Their lessons are born from the fire of real-world experience. While most of the how to get rich advice I dispense comes from my Rich Habits Study and my books Rich…