Articles by Tom Corley

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Tom is a CPA, CFP and heads one of the top financial firms in New Jersey. For 5 years, Tom observed and documented the daily activities of wealthy people and people living in poverty and his research he identified over 200 daily activities that separated the “haves” from the “have nots” which culminated in his #1 bestselling book, Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals. Visit the website:

The Law of Attraction’s origins are muddied. Some historians cite Buddha as the first to articulate the law. Others, Jesus. No one really knows. But we do know that The Law of Attraction first gained worldwide recognition thanks in large part to Napoleon Hill’s 1937 book Think and Grow Rich. While Hill’s version of The Law…

No matter what you do, time marches on. It is the one constant in life. In six months you will be six months older. During those six months, what will you have done to improve the circumstances of your life? What projects did you complete? What initiatives did you pursue? What knowledge did you gain?…

One of the things that stood out from my Rich Habits Study was how important thinking was to self-made millionaires. I tracked 10 different types of thinking habits these millionaires engaged infrequently, if not daily. From my research, it was so evident that thinking was fundamental to their success that I decided it needed to…

Any mental thought, often repeated, becomes a habit. Habitual thoughts lead to habitual behaviour. If those thinking Habits are good habits, they will lead to good behaviour. Good behaviour creates a good life. If those Thinking Habits are bad habits, they will lead to bad behaviour. Bad behaviour creates a bad life. So, your Habitual…

You may not like to hear this but your mind is being controlled. Who’s controlling your mind? The Media Politicians Hollywood Celebrities Social Media Content Creators Musicians Authors Parents Boyfriends/Girlfriends Teachers The list is much longer, but I made my point. Humans are very easily influenced and that means, unwittingly, your mind is easy to…

Rich people transform themselves into money magnets. Here are a few ways they do it: The pursuit of success turns you into a money magnet Those who pursue success turn themselves into money magnets, drawing other success-minded people into their circle, bringing with them their contacts and unique opportunities to make more money. Persistence turns…

In Tom Corley’s five-year Rich Habits study of 233 rich people and 128 poor people, he discovered that we adopt the beliefs of our parents, family, mentors, culture, and environment. He shares some of those revelations with regard to the value of a mentor. Finding a mentor is like having someone deposit $4 million into…

A fish rots from the head down. What this means to me is that poverty begins and ends in the mind. According to my Rich Habits Study, most of the rich (76%) are born into either poverty or the middle class. According to the 2016 Wealth X Census, 75% of the rich are born into…

One of the fascinating things I discovered in my Rich Habits research was the fact that many self-made millionaires, particularly the Dreamer-Entrepreneurs and Big Company Climbers, at some point, got lucky. 84% of these self-made millionaires attributed their good luck to their daily habits 87% of these self-made millionaires said they were lucky and 92%…

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