Articles by Tom Corley

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Tom is a CPA, CFP and heads one of the top financial firms in New Jersey. For 5 years, Tom observed and documented the daily activities of wealthy people and people living in poverty and his research he identified over 200 daily activities that separated the “haves” from the “have nots” which culminated in his #1 bestselling book, Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals. Visit the website:

When you look in the mirror are you proud of the person you see in that mirror? One of my old friends, who eventually became a deca-millionaire, told me that it was his mirror that told him he was on the wrong path in life. He said that when he used to look in the…

Have you ever run into an optimist? Most who do walk away are energized, enthusiastic, motivated, well optimistic. Now contrast that to pessimists. Pessimists sap you of your energy, enthusiasm, and motivation and drag you down in life. They push you away and make you want to run for the hills. By a wide margin, the…

No one likes adversity. It’s disruptive, stressful and painful. But, without adversity, there would be no learning. Without learning there would be no growth. And without growth, there is no success. Those who survive adversity become stronger because of it. Surviving or overcoming adversity makes you more confident. Anxiety and fear are replaced by confidence. Confidence…

“Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.” — Thomas Edison One of the things that stood out from my Rich Habits Study was how important thinking was to self-made millionaires. I tracked ten different types of thinking habits…

Is happiness genetic? Is it predetermined? In 2017, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, published a paper that, for the first time, linked genetics to happiness. In the study of nearly 300,000 people, the researchers, led by Meike Bartels, found that there was a direct link between genes and happiness. This is a groundbreaking study….

Since childhood, we are indoctrinated to avoid failure. It’s embedded into our education system. As a child, you experience failure for the first time when you fail a test. The teacher puts a big “F” on your test and immediately you learn that failure is bad. Our education system has been enormously successful in indoctrinating…

Parents serve a very important, basic function in society – they turn children into functioning adults. This is a critical function because without it, society would fall into utter chaos. But if you want more for your children, you must become more to your children, than a parent. You must become a success mentor. About…

“All things are difficult before they are easy.” –  Thomas Fuller The path towards success is like climbing a never-ending flight of stairs. Each step is another obstacle to overcome. Each step is another mistake to learn from. With each step, another closed door opened. It requires a warrior mindset. When you have a warrior…

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