Articles by Tim Lawless

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Tim heads up the Core Logic RP Data research and analytics team, analysing real estate markets, demographics and economic trends across Australia. Visit

2019 will go down as the year when new records were set. For 2020, we’re likely to see markets in recovery mode as housing prices catch up and then overtake their previous record highs, however we expect the rapid rate of capital gains seen over the second half of 2019 to lose steam as stock…

The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports on housing prices quarterly using a stratified median methodology. This method is different to CoreLogic’s hedonic regression series; in simple terms, the stratification methodology measures price changes across a number of ‘strata’ or sub-regions before aggregating the data back to the capital city level. Generally the ABS and CoreLogic…

With many of Australia’s capital city housing markets posting a gain in values over the past three months, a recovery trend is looking increasingly entrenched. But how long will it take for residential property values to reach a new record high if the current rate of growth continues? If housing values continue to rise at…

Housing investment rebounding on improved market conditions and a narrowing spread between rental yields and mortgage rates. The value of home loans committed to by investors has recorded a sharp rise since June, rising a cumulative 11.6% over the three months ending August 2019; the fastest rate of growth in the value of investment loan…

We’re now experiencing the strongest quarterly clearance rate since the June 2017 quarter across Australia’s combined capitals. Over the 3 months to September 2019, the clearance rate across the combined capital cities came in at 69.9 per cent across 16,730 auctions, the strongest quarterly clearance rate seen since the June 2017 quarter (71.7 per cent)….

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