Articles by Tim Lawless

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Tim heads up the Core Logic RP Data research and analytics team, analysing real estate markets, demographics and economic trends across Australia. Visit

The annual rate of national population growth has steadied recently. It was estimated that at the end of the September 2017 quarter, the national population was 24,702,851 persons. Australia’s population increased by 1.6% or 395,613 persons over the 12 months to September 2017. While net overseas migration has accelerated, natural increase has slowed. Net overseas…

The days on market metric provides an indication as to how quickly properties sold by private treaty are likely to sell. The current data at a national and capital city level shows fairly steady days on market however, we are seeing diverging trends across the individual cities.  At the end of 2017, properties sold by…

The strong capital gains evident across the Sydney and Melbourne housing markets have created a significant boost in wealth for home owners who were fortunate enough to own a property through the latest growth cycles. However, the rate of capital gain has been remarkably lower across other markets with home owners outside of Sydney and…

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