Articles by Peter Fritz

Peter Fritz is the founder Office Anywhere. He believes you should be able to work where, when and how you want; to work and live on your terms. He’s a dad, a husband, an ex-husband; a photographer and outdoorsy guy. Visit .Visit You can also listen to Peter's podcasts on

OK, we all know that middle age can be stressful and that left untreated, it can kill you. But what sorts of things are we stressing about? And more importantly, what can we do about them? If we don’t approach this phase of our lives the right way, we can easily descend into a downward…

“You’ll be exactly the same person five years from now except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read.” American speaker, Charlie ‘Tremendous’ Jones, delivered this nugget from a stage in Sydney 25 years ago. The takeaway was clear — if I wanted a great life, I had to meet better…

Everyone’s an expert today. In relationships, business, marketing or investing, there’s a cast of thousands that’ll tell you what to do. One of them is a guy I’ve known for 20 years. Let’s call him Phil. Hell of a nice bloke. But every time I see him, he tries to teach me something, like the…

If you’re anywhere near my age (I’m going to be 50 very soon), you know you need to be investing a sizeable portion of your income. Not should be. Need to be.  There are plenty of reasons for this, not least of which is the uncertainty around how much money you’ll need when you’re done working. But there’s…

The average person sees over 5,000 marketing messages a day. Almost all of it says the same thing: “Buy this and you’ll be happier, healthier, cooler or better looking.” It’s always been this way, only now, the Internet and social media have amplified the frequency and intensity to a point where it’s inescapable, and a…

I’ve had my share of disappointments and failures; a litany of missteps and bad decisions mark a dozen pivotal chapters. But I’ve had some very real successes, too, and many of them thanks to my mentors. Each time I’ve meandered off course, generous people have come forward to coach and guide me back to my…

A lot of people think they’re property investors, but they’re kidding themselves. Instead, they’re playing at being investors. I see this a lot with the self-employed, too. They like to think they’re in business, but again, their processes, their mindset, and their inability to scale their operations show they’re just ‘playing pretend’. Anyone who’s taken…

I know a lot of frustrated, miserable people in their 40’s – men mostly, who appear to be successful. They have money, position and all the stuff that goes along with those but they carry with them an undercurrent of anxiety and emptiness that manifests in things like poor health, nervousness or frequent exhaustion. Of…

“If you can’t be generous when you have nothing, you’ll not be generous when you have everything.” The moment these words shot out from the stage, I knew I’d always remember them. Charlie ‘Tremendous’ Jones was firing off gems that night back in the late ’80s. They were delivered during my embarrassing dalliance with an MLM…

Like is full of paradoxes. We’re told to treat every day as our last and live in the moment but on the other, “There’s no time like the present; time waits for no man.”   So let me explain what I mean and why it’s so important to recognise the threat behind those fateful words –…

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