Michael Yardney’s Guide To Investing Successfully

"This book is for anyone who want to secure their financial future but is confused about all the contradictory financial advice out there."

— Michael Yardney

This book is a practical guide to growing your money the smart way by understanding what the rich invest in, that the average person does not.

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This book is for all Australians who want to secure their financial future but are confused about all the contradictory advice out there.

It is a practical guide to growing your money the smart way by understanding what the rich invest in that the average Australian does not.

Fact is: most Australians don't enjoy financial security in their retirement years because they were never taught

Sadly, while the rich keep getting richer, most people end up with nothing to show for all their years of working.

This is a must-read for anybody who wants to get ahead financially by investing.

What’s it about:

Readers will learn the essential skills of investment as well as becoming financially fluent by understanding the language of money, finance, shares, and property.

Best-selling author and leading investment educator, Michael Yardney shows you how to take control of your finances and achieve financial freedom by getting your money working for you in this easy to understand practical guide that covers the psychology and mindset of successful investing, together with sound strategies for the stock market and real estate investing.

He discusses topics that will not only suit beginners but seasoned investors. It will be useful for those interested in real estate as well as those who’d like to understand more about how financial markets and the share market works.

Michael gives his thoughts on:

  • Personal finance
  • The biggest lessons he’s learned from his own experience and from mentoring over 2,000 successful (and some not so successful) investors, entrepreneurs, and businesspeople
  • He shares 100 investment lessons he’s learned from the experts
  • Plus lots more


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About the Author

While Michael Yardney is best known as a property expert, he is also Australia’s leading expert in the psychology of success and wealth creation.

He challenges traditional finance advice with innovative ideas on property investment, personal finance, and wealth creation in his new book: Guide To Investing Successfully.

His wisdom stems from his personal experience and from mentoring over 2,000 business people, investors, and entrepreneurs over the last decade. His opinions are frequently quoted in the media and Michael was once again voted Australia’s best property investment educator and mentor. Over the years he has probably educated more successful property investors than anyone else in Australia.

Michael has recently been voted one of Australia’s 50 most influential thought leaders and in the UPDATED EDITION of Michael Yardney’s Guide to Investing Successfully, he helps you discover how the rich make their money so that you can also become financially free.

Find out more about Michael Yardney's books and get more of Michael Yardney’s expert advice by subscribing to his daily commentary.


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Kindle 7 99

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