Michael has been once again voted Australia’s leading property investment advisor by the readers of ‘Your Investment Property Magazine’, but he’s not a theorist… He has been successfully investing in property since 1971 and is a leading property commentator and Australia’s most widely read property investment blogger. Join over 115,000 others who get their updates from Michael and his group of expert guest bloggers and benefit from their perspective.

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As the world continues to embrace the flexibility of hybrid work, a new trend is reshaping the way we think about vacations: the “workcation.” Combining work and leisure, workcations allow employees to extend their holidays while maintaining their productivity, thanks to the freedom to work from almost anywhere. And in this new global landscape, Sydney…

Parents often ask me how they can help their children into property. Some even contemplate giving one of their existing properties to their children.   For those more financially free, giving a property while they are still alive so they can see the joy it creates can be very heart-warming. But there are a number of…

Buying a property is not an investment strategy. Building a property investment portfolio involves much more than picking the property type and your price bracket. You need a goal in mind and a plan for achieving it. And not only that… it’s essential! After all, planning is bringing your future into the present so that…

National home values increased 0.5% in August, representing the 19th consecutive month of increase and slightly above the downwardly revised 0.3% increase seen through July. However, the pace of growth is showing clear signs of slowing, with the quarterly increase in national home values (1.3%) now less than half the rate of growth in the…

One of the many myths that investors come across is that land has “intrinsic” value, which means that land must always be worth something. Let me explain why this concept is flawed… The notion that land has intrinsic value no matter where it is located is rooted deep in our past, beginning when we ceased…

Are you currently holding an inferior property in your portfolio? Many of our property markets have reached new peaks recently, and many investors have reaped the rewards. While that is certainly great news, it has potentially covered up many mistakes that investors could have made without even knowing. The old saying “A Rising Tide Lifts…

Success is ultimately based on action but your beliefs determine your actions. And the big secret of the mega-successful for getting ahead is what they believe – full stop. Many people want to believe that it’s some unfair throw of the dice that makes some people succeed where so many fail, but that’s not really…

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